Agapanthus, commonly known as the African Lily or Lily of the Nile, is a stunning perennial flower known for its vibrant blooms and ease of cultivation. While it’s often propagated by division or nursery-bought plants, growing agapanthus from seed can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to expand your garden. This guide provides detailed steps and tips for successfully growing agapanthus from seed.

Understanding Agapanthus Seeds

Agapanthus seeds vary in appearance depending on the variety. They are generally small, black, or dark brown, and somewhat flat. When selecting seeds, opt for fresh, high-quality seeds from reputable sources. They can be acquired from nurseries, garden centres, or online stores, ensuring they are suitable for your region and climate.

Preparing for Planting

Choose the right time to sow seeds, typically in spring or early summer. Ensure a well-draining, fertile soil mix or potting medium. Use seed trays or small containers to sow seeds, pressing them lightly into the soil, and cover with a thin layer of the same medium.

Planting Process

Sow agapanthus seeds to a depth of about ¼ inch (6 mm) and maintain a consistent moisture level. Place the containers in a warm, well-lit area but avoid direct sunlight. Germination can take several weeks, so patience is key.

Germination and Early Growth

Once germination occurs, ensure the young seedlings receive adequate light, warmth, and moisture. Keep an eye out for signs of growth and transplant the seedlings to larger containers as they develop true leaves.

Care and Maintenance

Provide consistent watering, avoiding waterlogging, and ensure a balanced fertilization routine for healthy growth. Protect the seedlings from pests and diseases by keeping them clean and well-aired.

Maturity and Continued Care

As the plants mature, continue monitoring their growth and provide suitable care. Prune dead blooms and maintain a regular watering and feeding schedule to encourage strong growth and flowering.


Growing agapanthus from seed can be a gratifying experience, offering a deeper connection to the growth cycle and providing a beautiful addition to your garden. By following these steps and providing proper care, you can enjoy the vibrant beauty of agapanthus blooms in your landscape.